voluntary compliance

美 [ˈvɑːlənteri kəmˈplaɪəns]英 [ˈvɒləntri kəmˈplaɪəns]
  • 自愿服从
voluntary compliancevoluntary compliance
  1. Voluntary compliance is the key to the implementation of any tax law .


  2. To encourage voluntary compliance with civil tax laws by the general public .


  3. Early voluntary compliance was approved by the Health Assembly .


  4. Voluntary compliance with the tax laws is achieved .


  5. This week you will discuss Member States'immediate voluntary compliance with selected provisions of the revised International Health Regulations .


  6. Taxation programs are successful only through the voluntary compliance of entities being taxed .


  7. Enforcement of criminal tax codes , with the accompanying media publicity , encourages voluntary compliance .


  8. From the agency 's perspective , advice to the public can be a useful way of inducing voluntary compliance at minimal cost .


  9. And further noted that different compliance mode (" mandatory compliance " and " voluntary compliance "), the taxpayer will have a major impact on the behavior of choice .


  10. Consequently , enforcement policies are often designed to punish the most blatant violators and or encourage voluntary compliance by the largest numbers of entities .


  11. When used sparingly and with specific civil compliance goals , criminal tax prosecutions can greatly increase voluntary compliance and engender public acceptance of the power of the taxing authority .


  12. Under the regulatory approach , the benefits of delay may be so great in comparison with the costs of voluntary compliance that regulatory agencies face the possibility of having to take enforcement measures against large segments of some industries .


  13. Global Witness and other nongovernmental organizations have complained , though , that the European proposal calls for voluntary rather than mandatory compliance .
